
5 modi in cui la tecnologia può migliorare l'esperienza degli ospiti nel tuo hotel

With 40% of Americans traveling more in 2024 (1), the hospitality industry has seen a significant surge in demand. This uptick in travel presents a golden opportunity for hotels to increase revenue — but to capitalize, they must differentiate themselves in a crowded market. In this article, you’ll learn how hotels can use technology to offer a better guest experience. From personalized offers to multi-channel communications, these strategies will help you create unforgettable stays, foster guest

Risparmia tempo con questi suggerimenti per la gestione degli eventi

Time is money, especially in event management, where every minute counts. Operational efficiency can be the difference between a smoothly run event and one filled with chaos and missed opportunities. In an industry that demands precision and quick responses, having the right tools to save time is invaluable. By optimizing your operations with advanced event management software, you can streamline your processes, reduce manual tasks, and boost productivity. This article will delve into the key

L’intelligenza artificiale è la risposta a questi punti critici comuni nel settore dell’ospitalità?

The hospitality industry, defined by its dynamic nature and customer-centric operations, faces complex challenges that range from operational efficiency to enhancing guest experiences. Hotel teams need to excel at repetitive mundane tasks as well as those requiring sublime care and creativity. As technology evolves, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformative tool, offering solutions that address these challenges while streamlining service delivery. This article explores how AI is reshaping the hotel industry and why

3 domande chiave per valutare le opzioni RMS prima della stagione del budget

Hotel budgeting season is right around the corner, and many hoteliers are getting ready to roll up their sleeves and start making tough financial decisions as they look to align investment priorities with next year’s budget projections. This is often a challenging and time-consuming process, but it’s also an opportunity to think through a strategic vision and evaluate the tools and resources needed to achieve these goals. Investing in an RMS is a High Priority for Many Hoteliers in 2025 Investing in an advanced revenue management system is a high priority for many hoteliers in 2025, and for good reason.

L’Atto Europeo sull’Accessibilità: cosa devono sapere gli albergatori

Poiché il settore dell’ospitalità continua ad evolversi, è fondamentale per le aziende del settore rimanere al passo con le ultime normative che influiscono sulle loro operazioni. Una legge fondamentale di cui tutti gli albergatori dovrebbero essere a conoscenza è l’Atto Europeo sull’Accessibilità (EAA). L’EAA è una direttiva storica dell’UE che stabilisce requisiti comuni di accessibilità per un’ampia gamma di prodotti e servizi. Con la piena applicazione prevista nel 2025, è giunto il momento per gli albergatori di comprendere gli EAA

Intervista al Fondatore Franco Grasso di Revenue Team by Franco Grasso

In questa intervista parliamo con il fondatore e CEO di Revenue Team by Franco Grasso, Franco Grasso. Sotto la guida di Grasso, l'azienda è cresciuta fino a diventare la più grande entità europea di consulenza e outsourcing per la gestione delle entrate alberghiere. La sua azienda aiuta gli albergatori a massimizzare i ricavi attraverso la vendita ottimizzata di camere d'albergo, promuovendo al contempo efficienza e qualità. Puoi parlarci un po' di te? Ho sempre avuto una profonda passione per il turismo. IO

Guida alle entrate accessorie: ottimizza le entrate per il tuo hotel

Ancillary revenue describes earnings that originate from the sale of products or services besides your primary offering. In the case of hotels, this means products and services beyond the sale of hotel rooms. For hotels, ancillary revenue is important because it provides additional income. When ancillary services are of a

Cos'è un ostello? Una guida completa agli ostelli per gli albergatori

What is a hostel tends to be asked more and more these days as travel becomes both more affordable and practical. It touches on people's desire to explore and to have safe accommodations during trips. The fundamental importance of hostels is tantamount to the importance of those qualities. An enjoyable

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