
Zehn Schritte zur erfolgreichen Einführung von KI in Ihren Hotelteams

If you plan to roll out a new smart technology or artificial intelligence tool at your hotel, you need to design a thorough team onboarding process. Getting your hotel staff on board with a new solution is key to successful adoption and operational efficiency, but it can also positively impact employee morale and retention. Many hoteliers miss out on this opportunity by rushing to implement the new technology. This article lists the most important steps

Top-Tipps, wie Sie Tiktok nutzen, um Gäste anzuziehen und mit ihnen zu interagieren

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel How can hotels leverage Tiktok (boasting 1.7 billion active users in 2023) to engage with and attract guests? In your opinion, which strategies can they apply, and what are the best practices? Our Marketing Expert Panel Luminita Mardale - Director Of Marketing And Business Development, Vienna House Thom de Graaf - Online Marketing Specialist, Orange Hotel Marketing Moriya Rockman - Chief

Restaurant-Revenue-Management-Strategien für erfolgreiche Manager

Restaurant Revenue Management To maximize income, restaurant revenue management involves strategic pricing, menu design, and table allocation. It's crucial for optimizing sales, understanding customer behavior, and improving overall financial performance. Effective management ensures that restaurants meet market demand efficiently, leading to increased profitability and sustainability in the competitive food service industry. Key Takeaways Demand Forecasting: Predict customer flow to plan resources and staff efficiently. Dynamic Pricing: Adjust prices based on demand, time, or day to

Eine Übersicht über Kennzahlen, die jeder Revenue Manager verfolgen sollte

Navigating the complexities of hotel revenue management isn't easy. From demand forecasting and rate negotiations to inventory management and competitor analysis, there are plenty of challenges to keep revenue managers on their toes. But technology is changing the game. Today's revenue managers have powerful tools at their disposal that can help them streamline operations and focus on strategic optimization. The one-dimensional metrics that were used for decades are being replaced by more sophisticated measures that,

Top-Tipps, wie Sie Tiktok nutzen, um Gäste anzuziehen und mit ihnen zu interagieren

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel How can hotels leverage Tiktok (boasting 1.7 billion active users in 2023) to engage with and attract guests? In your opinion, which strategies can they apply, and what are the best practices? Our Marketing Expert Panel Luminita Mardale - Director Of Marketing And Business Development, Vienna House Thom de Graaf - Online Marketing Specialist, Orange Hotel Marketing Moriya Rockman - Chief of Marketing, Smiling House Luxury Global Linda Bekoe - CEO, APLBC Michael J. Goldrich - Founder & Chief Advisor, Vivander Elvira Wilthagen - Owner, Heads

Eine Übersicht über Kennzahlen, die jeder Revenue Manager verfolgen sollte

Navigating the complexities of hotel revenue management isn't easy. From demand forecasting and rate negotiations to inventory management and competitor analysis, there are plenty of challenges to keep revenue managers on their toes. But technology is changing the game. Today's revenue managers have powerful tools at their disposal that can help them streamline operations and focus on strategic optimization. The one-dimensional metrics that were used for decades are being replaced by more sophisticated measures that,

8 Signale, dass Ihre Hotelpreise angepasst werden müssen

Aktuelle Studien zeigen, dass als unfair empfundene Preise bei Verbrauchern Unbehagen auslösen, was zu reduzierten Käufen, Beschwerden und negativen Bewertungen führt. Umgekehrt aktivieren faire Preise Lustzentren und steigern die Kundenzufriedenheit.[1] Dies unterstreicht, wie wichtig es ist, den Sweet Spot für die Zimmerpreise Ihres Hotels zu finden: die perfekte Balance zwischen der Gewinnung (zufriedener) Gäste

Wichtige digitale Trends in der Tourismus- und Reisebranche im Jahr 2024

Digitale Trends in der Reisebranche Digitale Trends in der Reisebranche revolutionieren die Art und Weise, wie Dienstleistungen angeboten und erlebt werden. Diese Trends verbessern die Kundenbindung und die betriebliche Effizienz durch die Einbindung von KI, VR und IoT erheblich. Sie sind für Unternehmen von entscheidender Bedeutung, um in einem dynamischen Markt wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben und innovative, personalisierte Reisen anzubieten

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