Notícias de viagens2020-01-29T16: 12: 13 + 01: 00

Reservas on-line para reuniões e eventos e dicas de otimização de marketing

Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel How can hotels optimize the online booking process for Meetings and Events? And how can they best market it? Our Marketing Expert Panel Peter Ricci - Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Florida Atlantic University Cory Falter - Partner and Visionary at Lure Agency Thom de Graaf - Online Marketing Specialist, The Orange Studio Luminita Mardale - Director Of Marketing And Business

Evite estes três erros de benchmarking para obter sucesso na receita do hotel

As a revenue manager, you're undoubtedly aware of the importance of gauging your hotel's performance to maintain a competitive edge in your market. Yet, how can you be certain that you're genuinely on par with, or preferably ahead of, your competitors? Enter benchmarking for hotel revenue management. Benchmarking for Hotel Revenue Management: 3 Cardinal Errors Benchmarking offers the essential context and illuminates areas of your revenue management strategy that are ripe for refinement. This ensures

Estratégias e dicas importantes para calcular taxas de grupo

Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What are the best practices when calculating group rates? Should hotels have a different strategy per group category, e.g., tour operators, weddings, corporate, etc.? (Question by Oleksii Kapichin) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Connor Vanderholm - CEO, Topline Tanya Hadwick - Group Revenue & Yield Leader, SunSwept Resorts Heiko Rieder - Vice President Business Development, Hirmer Hospitality and Travel Charme

Aumente a receita do hotel com integração de CRM e marketing digital

Your hotel CRM isn’t only the hub for your guest-facing operations. It can also supercharge your hotel’s digital marketing by leveraging real-time guest data to shape your strategy. However, hotels cannot rely on their CRM’s guest profiles alone – they need to utilize that data to enhance and personalize their digital marketing campaigns. Maximizing Hotel Profitability with Integrated CRM and Digital Marketing With over 90%* of hotel searches conducted on Google, hotels need a powerful

Dominando a arte do gerenciamento de múltiplas propriedades

This article explores the nuances of managing multiple hotel properties. It emphasizes the importance of creating a unified guest experience, utilizing advanced technology to enhance operational efficiency, and incorporating local cultures into service delivery. You find three topics that discuss increasing guest loyalty, optimizing revenue, and maintaining competitiveness in the hospitality industry. Introduction to the Dynamics of Managing Multiple Properties In the hospitality realm, managing multiple properties is more than just expanding venue numbers—it's a commitment to elevating the overall guest experience. Central to this approach is the development of a comprehensive guest profile system. This system ensures that guests

Como atrair diferentes segmentos por meio de uma estratégia de distribuição diversificada

Com tantas formas de alcançar potenciais hóspedes, desenvolver uma estratégia de distribuição eficaz é mais importante do que nunca. A procura de lazer está a abrandar após anos de crescimento exponencial pós-pandemia, enquanto outros segmentos, nomeadamente viagens internacionais, empresariais e de grupo, estão a começar novamente a recuperar. Para os hotéis que procuram aumentar as suas reservas e maximizar as suas receitas, é crucial explorar formas de capitalizar em vários segmentos de mercado. 5 segmentos de mercado mais comuns e como fazer

Por que os sistemas de gestão de receita nunca substituirão os gerentes de receita humana

When the desktop computer came along, it needed human input. It’s no different with an RMS (revenue management system.) Even an AI-enabled RMS can’t think independently (and that’s a good thing!) You’ve probably heard plenty about AI (artificial intelligence) chatbots that learn from biased human language and “deep fakes,” which are the 21st c. version of Photoshop. These are just a few real-life concerns in today’s emerging AI. Yet, as hoteliers and a society, we

Entrevista com o CEO e fundador Uli Pillau da Apaleo

In this interview, we'll be talking with Uli Pillau. Pillau founded Apaleo, the world's first API-driven property management platform for the hotel industry, based upon an API-first architecture. This has created a full development hub for the industry as a whole. Can you

5 tendências digitais importantes na indústria do turismo

Tendências Digitais na Indústria do Turismo As tendências do turismo digital abrangem a crescente integração de tecnologias digitais na indústria do turismo. Essas tendências incluem experiências de realidade virtual, ferramentas de reserva e planejamento on-line, recomendações de viagens personalizadas por meio de IA e o uso de mídias sociais para marketing de destinos. Eles são importantes para melhorar

Explorando tendências de receita hoteleira para 2024: insights e exemplos do mundo real

O ano de 2023 trouxe mudanças significativas na indústria hoteleira, com as práticas e tendências de gestão de receitas evoluindo rapidamente. À medida que estas tendências continuam a tomar forma, o seu impacto irá, sem dúvida, moldar estratégias e operações até 2024. Este artigo fornece informações valiosas sobre os principais fatores que influenciam o mercado financeiro.

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