Qu’est-ce que le RevPAR ?

Le RevPAR, ou Revenue Per Available Room, est une mesure de performance clé dans le secteur hôtelier. Il mesure la capacité d'un hôtel à remplir ses chambres disponibles de manière optimale. Crucial pour évaluer l’efficacité opérationnelle, le RevPAR combine le taux d’occupation et le tarif journalier moyen, fournissant ainsi un aperçu de l’efficacité de la génération de revenus.

Points clés à retenir

  • Aperçu du RevPAR : RevPAR is a vital KPI in the hotel industry. It assesses financial and business performance by focusing on room revenue and occupancy rate.
  • Méthodes de calcul : RevPAR can be calculated either as Room Revenue divided by Room Availability or as Average Daily Rate multiplied by Occupancy Rate.
  • Gestion stratégique des revenus : Hotel owners use RevPAR to adjust room rates to maximize revenue. It’s a guide for rate adjustments based on occupancy rates, though it’s calculated per room, affecting larger hotels differently.
  • Combine tarif et occupation : Le RevPAR mesure à la fois le tarif journalier moyen d'un hôtel et sa capacité à remplir les chambres, mettant en valeur les performances actuelles et le potentiel de tarification.
  • Indicateur d'amélioration : Une augmentation du RevPAR indique une meilleure occupation, des revenus plus élevés, ou les deux, ce qui signifie une amélioration des performances de l'hôtel.


Revenue per available room, or RevPAR as it is usually shortened, is a KPI used within the hotel industry to assess financial and business performance. As a metric, it concerns both room revenue and occupancy rate, which makes it an important indicator of a hotel’s overall performance and a valuable component of a stratégie de gestion des revenus.

What Does RevPAR Stand for?

Essentially, RevPAR measures a hotel’s average daily rate and its ability to fill rooms. La gestion des recettes est essentiel car il montre clairement les performances actuelles et le prix qu'un hôtel peut facturer pour ses chambres.

Les hôtels devraient viser à augmenter leur RevPAR autant que possible, car une augmentation suggère une amélioration de l'occupation, des revenus ou des deux.

What Is the Importance of RevPAR?

In addition to asking ‘What is RevPAR?’, it is also a good idea to consider why RevPAR exists and contemplate its value. RevPAR is one of the most important performance metrics because it provides a great snapshot of a hotel’s overall success in selling rooms and doing so for the right price.

Tracking RevPAR over time can help a hotel understand growth, see patterns in demand, and determine the success or failure of different pricing strategies. That said, RevPAR has some limitations, such as focusing only on room revenue and not considering whether or not the hotel is profitable.

Video: What is RevPAR and How Can You Improve It? 

Comment calculer le RevPAR ?

Il existe deux manières possibles de calculer le revenu KPI par chambre disponible :

RevPAR = Chiffre d'affaires des chambres / Chambres disponibles
RevPAR = taux journalier moyen x taux d'occupation

What Is an Example of RevPAR?

So, what is RevPAR in practice? Depending on the information available, there are two ways to calculate it.

For instance, imagine a scenario where your hotel has 100 available rooms and an average daily rate of $200. You sell 50 rooms to give you a 50% occupancy rate, and you know you have made $10,000 in room revenue.

You can divide your room revenue ($10,000) by your total number of available rooms (100) to get $100, or you can take your average daily rate ($200) and multiply it by your occupancy rate (0.50) to get $100.

This also means you can calculate RevPAR even if you know only the occupancy rate and average daily rate or the total room revenue and the total number of available rooms.

What Is the Difference between RevPAR and RevPOR?

In the hospitality industry, understanding key performance indicators like RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room) and RevPOR (Revenue Per Occupied Room) is crucial for effective revenue management. By differentiating these metrics, hoteliers can gain insights into both the overall economic efficiency of their room inventory and the revenue generation capabilities of occupied rooms.

Metric Définition Calculation Se concentrer Usefulness
RevPAR Measures the average revenue generated per available room over a specific period, regardless of whether it is occupied or not. Total Revenue from Rooms / Total Available Rooms Utilization and pricing efficiency of all rooms. Useful for evaluating overall performance, including effects of pricing strategies and room sales.
RevPOR Measures the average revenue generated per occupied room, focusing only on rooms that are actually used. Total Revenue from Rooms and Other Services / Total Occupied Rooms Revenue generation efficiency from guests who actually stay. Useful for understanding revenue from actual usage, including ancillary spends like food, spa, etc.

Utilisations et limites

Les propriétaires peuvent utiliser RevPAR pour ajuster les tarifs des chambres afin de maximiser les revenus, ce qui en fait un KPI très efficace pour la gestion des recettes. Si le taux d'occupation est faible, cela peut être un signe de réduction des tarifs, tandis que si le taux d'occupation est très élevé, il peut être possible d'augmenter les tarifs. Néanmoins, le RevPAR est calculé par chambre, il convient donc de noter que les grands hôtels pourraient avoir un RevPAR inférieur, mais un revenu global plus élevé.

Strategies to Maximize RevPAR in Hotel Revenue Management

Several strategies can help hotels boost their RevPAR metric, as outlined below:

Optimize Your Pricing Strategy

The RevPAR metric concerns room revenue, which means your pricing strategy can greatly affect results. For most hotels, the best approach is to adopt a dynamic pricing model, where room rates are adjusted based on demand. This usually means charging higher prices in high-demand periods and low prices in the low season.

What is RevPAR - Optimize Your Pricing Strategy

Enhance the Guest Experience

What is RevPAR measuring in reality? It is the revenue you make per room in your hotel. So how can you increase the amount you charge without impacting customer satisfaction? One option is to improve the guest experience by providing excellent service, offering cutting-edge technology, and making the service more personalized. Customers are generally willing to pay more for a better service because they get value for money.

Make Operations More Efficient

While RevPAR does not measure profit, monitoring profitability and making operations as efficient as possible is still important. This means ensuring you minimize waste, reduce energy spending, keep the workforce at the right size, and find and fix any inefficiencies in your supply chain or inventory management.

Plus de KPI de gestion des revenus

KPI signifie Indicateur clé de performance. With KPI, you can measure and identify areas of success and failure and trends related to demand and customer behavior. Besides RevPAR, other important Revenue Management KPIs are:

Plus de conseils pour développer votre entreprise

Revfine.com est une plate-forme de connaissances pour l'industrie de l'hôtellerie et du voyage. Les professionnels utilisent nos idées, nos stratégies et nos conseils pratiques pour s'inspirer, optimiser les revenus, innover dans les processus et améliorer l'expérience client. Vous pouvez trouver tout conseils sur l'hôtellerie et l'hospitalité dans les catégories La gestion des recettes, Commercialisation et distribution, Opérations hôtelières, Dotation & Carrière, La technologie et Logiciel.

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Bonjour, je suis Martijn Barten, fondateur de Revfine.com. Je suis spécialisé dans l'optimisation des revenus en combinant le revenue management avec des stratégies marketing. J'ai plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le développement, la mise en œuvre et la gestion de stratégies et de processus de gestion des revenus et de marketing pour des propriétés individuelles et multi-propriétés.