
Lighthouse (formerly OTA Insight) brings travel & hospitality insights to light
, transforming complexity into confidence with actionable market insights, business intelligence, and pricing tools that maximize revenue growth.

About Lighthouse

Lighthouse (formerly OTA Insight) is the leading commercial platform for the travel & hospitality industry. Our mission is to reimagine commercial strategy for this industry.

Trusted by over 65,000 hoteliers in 185 countries, Lighthouse is the only solution that provides real-time hotel and short-term rental data in a single platform.

We strive to deliver the best possible experience with unmatched customer service. We consider our clients as true partners—their success is our success.

Articles Written by Lighthouse

Five Rate Mistakes in Revenue Management and How You Can Solve Them

Ask any hotel staffer not directly involved in revenue management about the daily tasks of a revenue manager, and they'll likely suggest it's all about 'setting' or 'raising rates.' While these activities are indeed crucial, they often eclipse the comprehensive analysis that underpins each pricing decision. Five Rate Mistakes in Revenue Management and How You Can Solve Them As a revenue manager, focusing entirely on pricing can inadvertently lead your hotel off course, resulting in

Avoid These 3 Benchmarking Errors for Hotel Revenue Success

As a revenue manager, you're undoubtedly aware of the importance of gauging your hotel's performance to maintain a competitive edge in your market. Yet, how can you be certain that you're genuinely on par with, or preferably ahead of, your competitors? Enter benchmarking for hotel revenue management. Benchmarking for Hotel Revenue Management: 3 Cardinal Errors Benchmarking offers the essential context and illuminates areas of your revenue management strategy that are ripe for refinement. This ensures

3 Key Strategies for Mastering Revenue Management with PMS Data

Data fuels the commercial operation of a property and empowers hotel Revenue Managers to make informed decisions, outpace rivals, and ultimately boost profits. When discussing data, there's no resource more crucial than your Property Management System (PMS). How to Master Revenue Management with PMS Data: The 3 Strategies Your PMS is the core of your hotel's daily operations, monitoring everything from bookings and guest arrivals to room pricing and invoicing. However, it's also a rich

Short-Term Rental Data: A New Technique to Forecast Demand at Your Hotel

The hospitality sector has long underestimated the influence of short-term rental accommodation on their operations, viewing it as a specialized lodging type that wouldn't impact conventional hotel reservations. However, the swift expansion of short-term rentals, spearheaded by organizations like Airbnb and VRBO, has made an undeniable mark on the hotel industry. The Importance of Short-Term Rental Bookings There's a growing intersection between the hotel and short-term rental sectors, with consumers weighing up both alternatives based

Uncovering the Importance of Pickup and Pace in Revenue Management

As a revenue manager, one of your essential daily inquiries is, "What was yesterday's pickup?" It's a question that sets the tone for your day and helps you make informed decisions about selling the right room, to the right guest, at the right time, at the right price. Setting the correct room price is undoubtedly the cornerstone of revenue management, how you arrive at the optimal price point requires a considerable amount of context, of

Top 3 Hotel Rate Parity Issues and How to Fix Them

Are you a hotelier struggling to maintain rate parity in today's ever-changing hospitality industry? If so, you're not alone. Despite the challenges of the last few years, rate parity remains a significant issue for hotels, and it's only getting more complicated. Top 3 Hotel Rate Parity Issues As a result of the pandemic, many hotels focused on generating short-term business and revenue, often at the expense of rate parity. However, maintaining consistency across distribution channels

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