
Direct Bookings

A 3-Step Guide to Improving Conversion Rates with A/B Testing


Want to turn more website visitors into hotel guests? A/B testing is your secret weapon! By comparing two versions of a page or message, you can find out what really clicks with your audience. For hotel websites, this means better user experience and more direct bookings. In this blog, we'll cover everything from identifying the key elements to testing to

A 3-Step Guide to Improving Conversion Rates with A/B Testing2024-07-02T15:16:00+02:00

Maximize Your Venue Sales: 5 Proven Strategies for Success


In the highly competitive hospitality sector, venues must continually innovate to attract and retain clients. By adopting a strategic approach that caters to diverse client needs and streamlines operations, venues can enhance their market position and drive sales. This article delves into five effective strategies that incorporate industry insights, aiming to maximize your venue's potential. 1. Establish a Comprehensive Online

Maximize Your Venue Sales: 5 Proven Strategies for Success2024-06-17T15:41:25+02:00

3 Key Metrics for Evaluating Your Personalization Strategy


Personalized digital marketing is a proven approach for increasing direct bookings and growing revenue, but personalization isn't a "set it and forget it" strategy. Here's how to evaluate your marketing personalization program, and how to pivot when the metrics don't meet your expectations. Personalization is Important for Elevating Guest Experiences. Travel is personal. It doesn't matter whether the purpose for

3 Key Metrics for Evaluating Your Personalization Strategy2024-06-17T15:42:46+02:00

What are the Best Marketing Strategies for Hotels on a Budget?


Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel For hotels with a smaller budget, what marketing strategies carry the biggest impact? What could move the needle the furthest, but with the lowest amount of investment? (Question by Cory Falter) Our Marketing Expert Panel Thom de Graaf - Online Marketing Specialist, The Orange Studio Luminita

What are the Best Marketing Strategies for Hotels on a Budget?2024-06-07T11:26:02+02:00

Common Booking Funnel Bottlenecks and How to Overcome Them


The road from research to booking is not exactly straightforward for today’s travelers. The competition is fierce for hoteliers, and so is the pushback from OTAs. It’s crucial for hoteliers to optimize their booking funnel so that the transition from research to booking feels smooth and natural for guests. 5 Ways to Overcome the Booking Funnel Bottlenecks The booking funnel

Common Booking Funnel Bottlenecks and How to Overcome Them2024-06-03T14:21:11+02:00

The 2024 Ultimate Guide to Google Hotel Ads


72% of travelers use metasearch engines in their booking journey! Google Hotel Ads (GHA) is a powerful metasearch solution for hoteliers looking to attract more guests and elevate their direct bookings and visibility. Whether you're a seasoned hotelier looking to enhance your direct bookings or a newcomer to the world of digital marketing, this guide will provide you with the

The 2024 Ultimate Guide to Google Hotel Ads2024-06-03T14:21:52+02:00

Interview with Founder and CEO Tom Dibble of Screen Pilot


In this interview, we're talking to Tom Dibble, the founder, and CEO of Screen Pilot. Screen Pilot optimizes hotels' direct distribution channels with comprehensive digital marketing solutions. This provides several benefits, including increased booking and brand recognition, decreased need for third-party services, and a larger return on investment. Can you tell us a

Interview with Founder and CEO Tom Dibble of Screen Pilot2024-06-04T13:43:00+02:00

5 Visual Design Tips to Boost Your Hotel Website Conversion Rates


Making a great first impression is crucial—especially for hotels looking to attract guests. In the online world, first impressions are tightly linked to your website's design. From the moment they land on your page, guests need to be hooked. 5 Visual Design Tips for Your Hotel's Website The undeniable power of visuals lies at the heart of this. Visuals are

5 Visual Design Tips to Boost Your Hotel Website Conversion Rates2024-03-25T10:56:05+01:00

Boosting Occupancy: 7 Options for Hoteliers


"Heads in beds." While occupancy is not the only thing influencing the revenue success of a hotel, it's hard to say you're maximizing revenue if your occupancy levels are low. 7 Ways to Effectively Boost the Occupancy Today, guests typically have a wealth of options for determining precisely in which beds their heads will be resting. Hotel room supply is

Boosting Occupancy: 7 Options for Hoteliers2024-02-12T11:57:30+01:00

Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process


Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How might the use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLM) affect the booking process? What impact might they have on revenue management? (Question by Massimiliano Terzulli) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Massimiliano Terzulli - Revenue Management Consultant, Franco Grasso Revenue Team Oleksii Kapichin -

Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process2024-02-01T22:11:40+01:00

How Does Hotel Overbooking Impact Your Revenue?


Overbooking is a common practice in the hotel industry, strategically employed to secure maximum occupancy and guarantee the sell-out of rooms. While this approach holds undeniable benefits for hoteliers, there are also downsides to it, such as dissatisfied guests in case you get double bookings or missed revenue opportunities from free room upgrades. Why Do Hotels Overbook: 4 Primary Reasons

How Does Hotel Overbooking Impact Your Revenue?2024-01-28T17:37:27+01:00

5 Ways For Hotels to Minimize Booking Engine Drop-Off


Your hotel's website might be buzzing with traffic due to all the hard work and resources you're putting into attracting visitors. But is your website as efficient as you wish it was? Imagine a potential guest, excited and ready to book, but something doesn't click, and they leave without completing the reservation. That's booking engine abandonment– a frustrating scenario where

5 Ways For Hotels to Minimize Booking Engine Drop-Off2024-01-28T17:38:12+01:00

Unique Direct Booking Perks: The Power of Travel Assistance Insurance


Today, as travelers seek a blend of convenience, security, and added value, hoteliers can distinguish themselves by providing incentives that resonate deeply with potential guests. Travel assistance insurance has emerged as a powerful tool that not only sets hotel’s direct channel offerings apart but also empowers guests with peace of mind and solidifies a brand's position as a go-to choice

Unique Direct Booking Perks: The Power of Travel Assistance Insurance2023-12-20T18:38:20+01:00

Top Tactics to Drive Direct Bookings at Your Hotel


The last few years have seen major shifts within the hospitality industry. Along with the uneven demand and staffing challenges caused by the pandemic, there was one significant upside – a shift in confidence that saw guests book directly through the hotel vs. relying on OTA websites to find the best deal. As the industry continues to recover, some of

Top Tactics to Drive Direct Bookings at Your Hotel2023-12-20T18:38:44+01:00

Changes in Post-Covid Breakdown of Direct Vs OTA Bookings for Hotels


Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: When reviewing the number of direct website bookings Vs OTA bookings, have you seen any difference in this breakdown post-Covid? Has there been a shift in B2B and B2C? (Question by Ricardo Sereno) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Sandra Gannon - Commercial Consultant, Revenue Puzzle

Changes in Post-Covid Breakdown of Direct Vs OTA Bookings for Hotels2023-12-20T18:39:04+01:00

How to Trigger Dopamine to Maximize Your Hotel’s Direct Revenue


If you're a hotelier struggling to improve your website conversion rates, you're not alone. Maximizing hotel revenue through direct bookings is crucial, and a little something known as “dopamine” could be the key. In this article, we'll explore the connection between dopamine and positive online experiences and how personalization can help you create a memorable guest experience that boosts conversion

How to Trigger Dopamine to Maximize Your Hotel’s Direct Revenue2023-12-20T18:39:34+01:00

4 Key Metrics for Your Hotel’s Direct Channel Success


Data analytics is, of course, helpful to better understand your hotel’s direct channel performance, but what’s most useful is being able to compare your results to the market to identify potential growth drivers. The Benefits of Hotel Benchmarking Hotel benchmarking enables you not only to access competitive insights but to make better-informed decisions and take action in those areas that

4 Key Metrics for Your Hotel’s Direct Channel Success2023-12-20T18:39:52+01:00
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